T-Mobile Interested in Selling Huawei's IDEOS Phone

Posted by Tamlalte Friday, September 3, 2010

According to the Wall Street Journal, T-Mobile USA is in talks with Huawei about the Chinese company's new IDEOS Android smartphone. A source cited by the Journal said that a deal isn't in place yet, but one could be forged within four to six weeks. Huawei developed the Tap touch phone, which was branded and sold by T-Mobile. Huawei has yet to strike a major win with U.S. network operators, and the company confirmed that it is talking to the carriers about distribution deals. The Journal believes the device will be available before the holidays for about $100 on contract. The IDEOS runs Android 2.2, has a 2.8-inch touch screen, camera, Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth.


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